Kansai hidden gems & supporting Japanese travelling

I introduce hidden gems in kansai, and give useful information to travel in Japan

New Blog for Hidden Gems in kansai in Japan!

Hello! My name is Taka and I ‘m Japanese. I live in Nara in Japan.

This time, I opened new blog!

Mainly I will introduce hidden gems in Nara, in addition I will also introduce some hidden gems in Kansai in Japan.

You might know some famous sightseeing spots in Japan.

However, in Japan there are many hidden gems for sightseeing.

I want you to go there, and get more interested in Japan!

In addition, I also want to help spending in Japan.

I will introduce how to use Japanese transportation, some facilities in town, some kinds of shops etc…

I want to post useful information, so please check my blog if you have a time.


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